Wednesday, September 3, 2008

3 down, 998 to go...

Two days into this project and I've completed three items:

# 27. get a coupon pouch to keep in bag (completed) I was in Staples looking for something else entirely and ended up finding a cute zippered nylon pencil pouch in with all of the school supplies that was slim, light and the perfect size. Now, it's in my purse, filled with coupons.

# 96. read a more perfect union (completed) I loved this book. Really delved into the insanity of the wedding industry and how even the most sensible of us can get caught up in it all. I particularly enjoyed the references throughout. Though the book was written a few years ago, nothing has changed there.
# 43. design wedding favor packaging (completed) Ahh...the wedding favor design. Yes, I read the above book and yet, am myself caught up in wedding frenzy. I have a vision of what I want and am working hard to make that happen (with minimal carnage, thank you very much!). When my FI and I were walking through Michael's craft store on Monday, I had the favors in the back of my mind but never thought I would actually find what I wanted there. And then, I did.

My challenge in this is going to be keeping track and checking in. Some of the items I've listed are ongoing or, are things that will require at least a few weeks of consistency - enough to become habit (ex. taking daily vitamins, exercising 3x per week). In that vein, I'll plan to report on many of these things as I go along, referencing them without checking them off just yet.