Wednesday, August 20, 2008

101 things...

          1. get married
          2. travel to greece
          3. adopt a pug
          4. learn to use my camera in manual mode
          5. implement an organizing system for incoming mail
          6. save $50 a week
          7. knit a baby blanket (already own the pattern and yarn)
          8. design photography website
          9. launch and promote photography website
          10. finish reading middlesex
          11. finish reading eat, pray, love
          12. organize childhood photos
          13. scrapbook at least one layout each week
          14. cook a pot roast with all the fixings
          15. update blogs at least once a week
          16. send a care package
          17. ride the bike trail once each summer
          18. cook one new recipe each week
          19. post new recipes on blog if they are a success
          20. use slow cooker 3x each winter
          21. get e-ring inspected every six months (march, september)
          22. listen to iPod twice each week (why else do i have one?)
          23. wash face 6/7 nights a week
          24. use eye cream twice a day
          25. use night cream 6/7 nights
          26. clip coupons and use them
          27. get a coupon pouch to keep in bag (completed)
          28. use recycled bags every shopping trip
          29. learn to speak greek and be semi-fluent
          30. take dance lessons
          31. learn to sew (at least pillows and curtains)
          32. lose 10 lbs below goal weight and maintain
          33. grow my nails, again
          34. apply nail strengthener 2-3 times per week
          35. complete the 30-day shred
          36. learn to use photoshop
          37. book a florist for the wedding
          38. design and make wedding programs
          39. design and make wedding placecards
          40. design and make wedding menus
          41. gather remaining supplies for centerpieces
          42. create wish jar for wedding
          43. design wedding favor packaging (completed)
          44. make and package wedding favors
          45. book hairstylist
          46. book make-up artist
          47. choose a cake design
          48. order wedding bands
          49. purchase and wrap bridal party gifts
          50. order wedding invitations
          51. hand address all wedding invitations
          52. frame and hang/display engagement photos
          53. write and send wedding thank you notes within 6 weeks
          54. book airline tickets for our honeymoon
          55. paint the bedroom
          56. keep no more than 10 magazines on the coffee table
          57. eat one piece of fruit each day
          58. say "i love you" everyday
          59. host a game night with friends
          60. see a broadway show
          61. host a dinner party
          62. read pride and prejudice
          63. send out christmas cards each year
          64. learn to knit socks
          65. organize a weekend getaway with elias
          66. sell all unwanted rubber stamps and craft supplies
          67. take an adult education class
          68. send someone a homemade gift
          69. spend a day at the met
          70. borrow books from the library instead of purchasing
          71. pay off credit cards
          72. bake something once a month and share with family and friends
          73. buy a really hot pair of jeans
          74. donate clothes that are no longer worn
          75. exercise at least 3x each week
          76. picnic in the park each summer
          77. kyack in the hudson river
          78. have a child
          79. do 50 crunches 3x a week
          80. go to the beach once each summer
          81. bring lunch to work 4x a week
          82. take my vitamins each day
          83. visit the ny botanical gardens
          84. visit the bronx zoo
          85. bake a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, from scratch
          86. put away clothes every night
          87. stream clean living room couches
          88. drink 8 servings of water each day
          89. sell old jewelry
          90. book a getaway trip for our first wedding anniversary
          91. buy new nightstands
          92. frame and hang marymount print
          93. spend more time with my girlfriends
          94. read 101 things i wish i knew when i got married
          95. read loved walked in
          96. read a more perfect union (completed)
          97. get a manicure once a month
          98. sell rubber stamps on e-bay
          99. hold a tag sale
          100. upgrade my camera
          101. attend church at least once a month

          start date: Monday, 9/1/2008

          end date: Monday, 5/31/2001

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